Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Road

This month's book is by acclaimed novelist Cormac McCarthy. His work includes prize winning novels including Blood Meridian and No Country for Old Men. Both of those books have been adapted recently into major motion pictures. you can find McCarthy's webpage on the links to the right.

The Road is a challenge for us. It will test our emotions and stamina. But I encourage all of you to press on.

You can find The Road at any major bookseller (Barnes and Noble, Borders, Books a Million, Amazon, etc...)

Over the next week or so we'll place a question up on the site for your discussion and thoughts. For those of you who were not with us last month, we hope you'll join us this month, and if there are friends you think may be interested this month, invite them along for the ride with us.

Happy reading!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


The next meeting of the Codex Book Club is tonight @ 7:30pm.

We're meeting in the social room of the Ocean Place Building, where Diane DiSibio lives. If you need more information, or directions, email Phil @

We hope you all be able to make it or some good conversation, and some great wine and cheese!

See you tonight.